5 thoughts on “What is the most popular on the ground?”

  1. It's summer vacation. Now the more popular products sold on the stall market: snacks, retail, dry goods, also clothing, socks, shoes, gloves, hand warming treasures, novel toys (such as: Bobo ball) and so on It's also very hot! You can try it,

  2. The boiling skewers are the hottest, especially the grilled lamb skewers. They are particularly hot. Some people come back from get off work at night to make friends. Several people sit there, eating lamb skewers, drinking beer while chatting. The longer you sit, the more lamb you eat. Many people in Xinjiang do this buy and sell, and there are many people eating.

  3. Now there are two days before the stalls selling stalls. My boyfriend and my boyfriend also tried to set up a stall to buy some wholesale from the wholesale market. Plush toys for three or five dollars. The profit is also very high. And it is also better to sell, because the oil will bring many parents to play with their children in the square in some communities at night, so plush toys are more attractive to children, so they are better selling.

  4. Now setting up the stalls to sell the popular items on Douyin are the hottest. Just as some time ago, the bubble machine is on the vibrato. At this time, you can seize the business opportunity, and you can enter some bubble machines in large quantities to sell. In short, you have to catch the appetite of the public and walk at the top of the trend.

  5. I think buying some small accessories is the hottest, because many girls now like to go shopping, and these small jewelry prices are cheap and very good. Many girls like to buy this, so if you sell this When people come to see, business will be good.

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