1 thought on “The meaning of twist chain”

  1. Moles love.
    This chain is a style of the jewelry chain processed by the wire of the wire. It is named because of its shape such as eating twist. The twist chain is divided into real twist chains and false twist chains according to the shape. The structure of real twist is more compact, the shape is more like eating twist, and the structure of the fake twist chain is relatively loose.
    Tinghua Origin:
    During the end of the Ming Dynasty, the poisonous scorpion around the camp was very harmful. About half of the poisonous scorpion died. In order to curse the scorpion, on the second day of the second day of the lunar calendar, every family pulled the peaceful noodles and twisted into a poisonous scorpion tail shape. Over time, this "scorpion tail" evolved into twist. Therefore, the camp twist was given the meaning of auspicious Ruyi and Kangtai Ping An. Whenever the New Year's Eve or Red and White Happy events, locals always use twist to treat guests or serve as gifts. The good meaning of the camp twist and the special role of contact with the friendship has gradually become an important part of the food culture with a strong food culture.

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