Sex is also about timing

Sex is essential for both men and women, and a harmonious and perfect sex life can take a couple to the next level. Newlyweds, in particular, have sex nearly every day due to curiosity and strong sexual desire. But sex also needs to grasp a certain time, the wrong time sex life may hurt the body, and even cause colds.

When men and women appear, what situation can not be anxious first? Let a mini tpe doll tell you.
1. During pregnancy

​the first three months of pregnancy can not have sex. On the one hand, after pregnancy vaginal secretions increase and Wan weakened resistance, easy to infection bacteria. On the other hand, implantation of the fertilized egg is not stable, and cohabitation may cause abortion. Do not have sex within three months before delivery, otherwise it will stimulate uterine contractions, cause amniotic rupture, lead to premature delivery or pelvic infection, even life-threatening. During the second trimester of pregnancy can be appropriate sex, but must control the intensity and frequency, while paying attention to hygiene.

2. Menstrual period

During menstruation endometrial shedding, the cervical opening is in a slightly open state. At this time, women's resistance is weak, if sex may bring bacteria into the reproductive organs, thereby causing gynecological inflammation. In particular, patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease must not have sex during menstruation, which will aggravate uterine bleeding, make menstrual volume increase, prolong menstrual period. In addition, sex during menstruation can reduce sexual experience and sexual pleasure, male reproductive organs may be infected with menstrual blood bacteria, and women may experience abdominal discomfort and dysmenorrhea.

3. During illness

Neither the sick man nor the sick woman can have sex. Because of poor resistance when sick, energy and physical strength are insufficient, forced sex will make germs into the body, making the disease worse and worse. If you have an infectious disease such as venereal disease, hepatitis and tuberculosis, you should not have sex until you have entirely cured the disease, lest you pass it on to your partner through sexual activity. Men with prostatitis or orchitis and women with cervicitis or vaginitis can't have sex because sex is extremely congested and friction can aggravate inflammation, allowing pathogens to enter each other's bodies and cause infection. When the burn is not healed, you should not have sex, because the skin friction of the burn will create blisters, prolong the healing time of the wound, and even allow bacteria to enter the body through the wound and become infected. In addition, women with irregular menstruation can not have sex, because their menstrual period is disordered and the amount of menstruation is immeasurable. Sex may aggravate the endocrine imbalance, is not conducive to the return of normal menstruation.

4, confinement period

After giving birth to a child, you need to have 1~2 months to recuperate the body, coupled with breast feeding children. Women typically have no sexual desire, try not to force sex at this stage, otherwise it will cause blood collapse or waist and abdomen pain, and even let women appear cold. Lactation must have sufficient milk to feed the baby, if excessive sex will aggravate female Qi and blood deficiency, affecting milk secretion.

5. After drinking

After drinking, men will appear premature ejaculation or penis erection is not firm, reducing the quality of sex life. Also, the quality of the sperm in the semen will alter after alcohol abuse, so that the woman will become pregnant during sex, which may cause congenital abnormalities of the fetus. Because of the influence of alcohol and sexual stimulation, people can become extremely excited, and for people with cardiovascular disease and heart disease, sex can cause myocardial infarction and lead to sudden sexual death.

6. When your body is tired

Sex will consume a lot of physical strength and energy, overworked under the state of sex is not easy for women to achieve orgasm. In addition, both men and women should not force sex when they are depressed, or it will cause sexual apathy.

7. On an empty stomach or full stomach

Lack of physical strength and energy in starvation, large blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract in satiety, and insufficient function of the brain and other vital organs. If sex in this state will reduce the quality of sex, and even psychological sexual dysfunction.

Warm reminder

No matter how desperate you are in the above 7 situations, you should refrain from it to avoid affecting the health of both parties. In addition, the couple should maintain regular sex, pay attention to cleanliness before and after sex, as long as there is no reproductive need, they need to wear condoms.

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